VideoDashboard Commercial (Unlimited)

  • Choose From 100+ HOT DFY Courses To Start Selling Instantly
  • Upload And Sell Your Own Courses Online
  • Create Attractive, Mobile Responsive Academic Sites In Just A Few Clicks
  • Add / Upload Rich Media Files For Your Courses (Youtube URL, Vimeo URL, MP4 URL, Document Files, Image Files & Iframe Embed, Etc.)
  • Add Categories, Sub-Categories, Lessons, Sections, Interactive Quizzes To Manage Courses & Lessons
  • Accept Payments Via Paypal Or Stripe With Multiple Currency Support
  • Seamless Integrations With Top Autoresponders - Aweber, GetResponse, & MailChimp
  • Build Courses On Any Topic – Become Authority In Any Niche
  • Advance Student Panel To Enrol/Add/Manage Students From Dashboard
  • Detailed Reporting System To Get Complete Sales And Revenue Analytics
  • Built-In Support/Ticket System To Provide Support To Students
  • No Traffic, Leads Or Profit Sharing With Any 3rd Party Marketplaces - Keep 100% Profits & Control On Your Business
  • Branded Members Area For Students To Learn, Track Course Progress, Get Purchase Reports/PDF Invoices And Rate The Courses After Purchasing
  • Free Hosting For Images & Documents
  • Social Media Sharing For 100% FREE Viral Traffic
  • Automatic Email Delivery to Your Students
  • Create Free Or Paid Courses For Your Academy
  • Advance And Customized Video Lesson Player
  • Advanced Sorting Options For Students To Sort Courses By Ratings, Category, Level, Language, Price, Etc.
  • No Domain Or Hosting Required, Get Your Own SSL Secured Subdomains For Each Academy
  • Top-Notch Shopping Cart And Wishlist Options For Students To Enable Smooth Purchasing
  • Strong Data Privacy
  • Newbie Friendly One-Click Course Creation
  • Include Legal Pages Like About Us, Terms, Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy, Etc.
  • 100% SEO Optimized Courses With Title & Meta Description.
  • Automated Email Notifications
  • Completely Cloud Based System – No Downloads Or Complicated Installation
  • Easy And Intuitive To Use Software With Step By Step Video Training
  • 24 * 7 - Customer Support
  • And So Much More…
  • #Start Your Own Profitable eLearning Business In Just 3 Simple Steps…

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The industry is booming with no end in sight, so NOW is the time to jump in and grab your share of this lucrative market by creating and selling courses online.

People like YOU are discovering that they can make money with what they ALREADY know by selling courses and tutorials online. Every day, millions of people are searching the internet for solutions to their problems, and looking to learn new skills. They are ready to pay for the courses that can help them achieve their goals without having to leave their home or go back to school.



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